I have been a Phd student in the Behavioral Security and Privacy group at the University of Bonn, under the supervision of Matthew Smith, since January 2021. My research focuses on methodological issues around both qualitative and quantative research methods used in HCI, and more specifically in the domain of Usable Security and Privacy. I apply the research methods I investigate in various domains at the intersection of usability, privacy, security, and human information behavior.

In 2020, I finished my Master's degree of Media Informatics at the University of Regensburg, Germany with my thesis about "A Comparison of Nudging and Boosting for Privacy during Web Browsing". Prior to that, in 2018, I completed a Bachelor's degree in Information Science (major), Media Informatics (minor) and Spanish (minor), also at the University of Regensburg.

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last at cs.uni-bonn.de


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